(photographer: Steve Nunez) |
On this page we cover news on the latest club events and website additions.
6/28/17: Added pics and vids for the 2017 GLARCRC 1/5th motorcycle club race on 6/25/17 to "Meet pictures" section.
10/25/16: Added pics and videos for the 2016 1/5th Scale International Challenge Race to "Meet pictures" section.
8/31/16: Added pics and videos for the Warm Springs Race to "Meet pictures" section.
8/2/16: Added pics and videos for the 2016 Laguna Seca demo to "Meet pictures" section.
6/20/16: Added pics of the 2015 Jabber bike to "Bike Info" section. Added pics and videos for the 2016 ROAR
Regionals in Los Angeles to "Meet pictures".
10/29/15: Added pics and videos for the 2015 Large Scale International Challenge in Los Angeles.
10/6/15: Added pics and vids for X-Rider's 1/4 dirt bike in bikes section. Added pictures from Norcal Nationals Race
and Laguna Seca Demo in Pictures Section.
5/29/15: Added R/C Bike Setup Guide Section which covers the basics for any R/C Bike. Videos added to video section.
Added setup info to Venom GPV-1 and Thunder Tiger SB-5 pages. Updated links section.
9/12/12: GLARCC will be hosting the 2012 5th scale on-road national challenge in LOS ANGELES, CA - THIS INCLUDES 1/5 BIKES....
7/15/12: RCMCC will be "Running the DOTS" again in Fremont 1:30 PM 47221 Fremont Blvd. Fremont , CA
06/17/12: After too long a period RCMCC will be reuniting its members and recruiting more SUNDAY
6/17/12: We will be meeting in Fremont Looking forward to meeting up with ones there and having a blast.
9/03/06: We had our 3rd Annual RC Superbike Challenge Hosted by RCMCC and Sunvalley Speedway. COVERED BY RC CAR ACTION
5/11/06: Added announcement for 2006 USA R/C Bike Nationals.
3/14/06: Updated weblinks, Kyosho, and TT sections in Bike info page.
9/17/05: Check the Kyosho HOR page for hopup guide rev8.
8/9/05: Added report, pics, vids to '05 Nat'l bike race in pics and vids section. Updated Hong Kong pictures. Updated
Ken's and Ian's bike pics in the members section.
5/24/05: Simon Wong from HK has sent us pictures from his bike club. Check them out here: https://rcmcc.tripod.com/id54.html
2/15/05: Added latest Jan'04 meet pics and video.
1/24/05: Added Janssen's bike pics on members page, "How to get started" section.
12/21/04: Dec. '04 Union City pictures, VIDEOS and report added. Also a handy gear ratio chart in the Nuova Faor/TT section.
12/1/04: Wow webpages are easier than we thought - Mailing List and Guestbook added!! (on homepage and Guestbook tab)
11/15/04: HOR hopup guide to rev7, two more demo videos in HOR section.
11/10/04: RCMCC music video online for OCT. '03 DELTA MEET (thanks to J. Veal)
11/1/04: Pictures added for Union City meeting.
10/25/04: Pictures added for Hobbytown USA meet.
09/28/04: Added Report, Pics, and Vids to Sept. Delta Race. Added Vidcaps to Delta Oct. '03 section. Added bike pics to
members page. Added Kyosho and Thunder Tiger setup guide in mods section
09/12/04: One of our members is off to LA for the studio filming of "Inside R/C", HOR hopup guide updated
08/25/04: Race report and pics from August Delta bike race, added Mamba brushless review to HOR section
08/20/04: Added GP Replicas page to RCMA pic archive and modifications page redone slightly
08/12/04:Added a demo video of direct steering mod on Kyosho static bike
07/15/04: Added videos to Delta race, San Jose meet, Union City meet, and San Mateo meet.
07/14/04: Race Report and pics from July Delta bike race
07/08/04: Web site acquired from tripod.com