RCMCC is the premier R/C bike club in California, United States dedicated to promoting 1/8th scale and 1/5th scale racing.
We are a non-profit organization solely formed to spread the word about this very unique class of R/C. There is no entry fee
to join the club - just show up and have fun! Please check this page and the latest news section for upcoming events.
Website start: Oct. 22, 2004
Last update: 10/25/2016
(Added pics and videos of the 1/5th Scale Internation Challenge 10/23/16 Race)
Radio Control Motorcycles Club of California
San Jose &
San Francisco Bay Area
California, USA

WEBMASTER: Ian Francisco (ianfran@hotmail.com) - "grymg" on rcgroups, yahoo groups, yahoo messenger, etc... WEBMASTER:
2nd Kevin Hicks (kev71h@gmail.com) "Kev71H" on many forums: RCgroups.com